Aula Studio Borges @ Bologna Attiva
The Aula studio Borges @ Bologna Attiva is a new proximity space located inside DumBO’s Capannone Officina. Born at the end of December 2021 from the collaboration between the Municipality of Bologna, DumBO – Open Event, Fondazione per l’Innovazione Urbana and the University of Bologna within the Bologna Attiva project, it develops in continuity with the first experimentation of the Borges Pop Up study room and to offer a concrete response to the needs expressed by the city’s student community on the development of innovative proximity services. We caught up with Sara Morroi and Iolanda Infante.
Why a new study room and why was it needed?
Bologna is perhaps the university city par excellence in Italy. Its prestigious Athenaeum attracts students from every region of the peninsula, and this has always made it necessary to have quiet places where out-of-town students can devote fruitful hours to studying and preparing for exams.
Fortunately, the city has several libraries and spaces aimed at this purpose, but there was a strong need to give this opportunity also to all those young people gravitating in the suburbs, in our case in the Porto district – undergoing major redevelopment – which has always seen the Borges library as its only point of reference. A library whose name the study room bears and with which we are honoured to collaborate as part of the Bologna Attiva project and with which we share the aim of giving a wider range of possibilities to young students.
How does it differ and what services does it offer?
The Aula Studio Borges@Bolognattiva differs in terms of location alone. We are located inside DumBo, a multifunctional reality in which users can interact with many stimulating initiatives: exhibitions, cultural events, concerts, culinary or vintage and second-hand festivals, etc.; and at the same time enjoy leisure spaces, such as the bistro or the relaxation area, which has recently been embellished with a wonderful green wall, the result of the collaboration with Senape Vivaio Urbano. All this in a youthful and inclusive environment, suitable for families and open to everyone.
In addition, our study room offers different solutions according to needs. We have both common single workstations with large desks and comfortable seating, and DAD workstations with panels that allow for more privacy, especially for those who need to devote themselves to lectures or online calls. In addition, there is a fully enclosed group workspace where groups of students can meet for work projects and collaborate undisturbed.
Moreover, we have recently started a new service, thanks to which students can borrow one or more readings from a shortlist curated ad hoc by the Borges Library. Again, thanks to the collaboration with the Libraries and Cultural Welfare sector of the Municipality of Bologna, it will soon also be possible to consult the catalogue of all the libraries in the Bologna cluster online, directly from a workstation that will be installed in the study room.
How is the feedback from library patrons so far?
Very positive! Students particularly appreciate the relaxed, youthful and lively environment, and the convenience for those who live in the area of not having to travel to the centre to study. But that’s not all: people like the fact that they can enjoy air conditioning and a water dispenser (strictly for water bottles, to avoid wastage); small services that make their stay in the study room much more pleasant.
Since this is a young service, there are still many things to be improved, and even when something has been pointed out to us that needs to be improved or an idea has been mentioned, it has always been done with the interest of making the study room more welcoming. Each of these suggestions is always well received, as it is essential for us to maintain a lively and open dialogue with our users to provide them with a quality service.
The study room is part of a process of redevelopment of the area. What is the added value of studying in a study room within DumBO?
DumBO is a multifunctional space that gives our users the opportunity to interface with stimulating environments that can enrich those who come into contact with it. There are also many spaces that are used for cultural and other events, which allow and promise entertainment and enrichment.
The study room is part of a process of redevelopment of the area. What is the added value of studying in a study room within DumBO?
DumBO is a multifunctional space that gives our users the opportunity to interface with stimulating environments that can enrich those who come into contact with it. There are also many spaces that are used for cultural and other events, which allow and promise entertainment and enrichment.
And, even more importantly and an objective of many initiatives that gravitate around DumBO, at the basis of our project is a strong desire to create an environment of aggregation for the residents of the neighbourhood. Because, as the great Hannah Arendt said: “[…] it is the great grace of companionship that makes the solitary whole again, rescuing it from the dialogue of reflection in which one always remains equivocal, and giving it back the identity that allows it to speak with the unique voice of a non-exchangeable person”.
Interview by Silvia Santachiara.