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Le Vie Dei Briganti

Who are you? We are 4 young entrepreneurs, Rocco, Antonello, Michele and Gas, and we have combined our friendship and our passions for food and beverage.   What do you do? In practical terms we make food and drink

Fondazione Innovazione Urbana

Officina - Bologna Attiva   A coworking space, a study room and various proximity services for students, career guidance, mutualism and cultural and community activities.   The project is called Bologna Attiva - Officina metropolitana per il nuovo lavoro, il mutualismo e l'economia collaborativa (Bologna Attiva - Metropolitan Workshop

Aula Studio Borges @ Bologna Attiva

Officina - Bologna Attiva   The Aula studio Borges @ Bologna Attiva is a new proximity space located inside DumBO's Capannone Officina. Born at the end of December 2021 from the collaboration between the Municipality of Bologna, DumBO - Open Event, Fondazione per l'Innovazione Urbana and the

Migliorare con l’età

Officina - Bologna Attiva "Migliorare con l'età" ("Improving with age") is a motto but also a wish addressed to you and to our work: it is used for people, but also for good wine! For us, it also refers to the work we have chosen and

RAP Architettura

Officina - Bologna Attiva   RAP ARCHITECTURE: Guido, Francesco and Paolo, 3 freelance architects who decided to get involved, join forces and start collaborating, each one putting their own experience at the service of the other. The DumBO space is their meeting point, where they meet, discuss,

Publics ICC

Officina - Bologna Attiva Publics ICC works with cultural operators to help them boost their performance indexes through shared strategies, novel content and diverse tools. Publics, publics, people. Diversity and specificity, but also the needs and objectives of cultural actors: it is this plurality that gives

Tag Works

Officina - Bologna Attiva   Tag Works Srl was founded in 2021 and operates in the field of industrial plant design. The services we offer to our customers include integrated engineering design, from strategy definitions and development of preliminary drawings to detailed drawings, using the collaboration of


Officina Hi! Tell us about who you are. My name is Marco Caporali and I'm in charge of managing the food and beverage activities in the entire DumBO district area. For a few months now I have been in charge of Officina Bistrot, which I manage directly

Pomilio Blumm

Officina - Bologna Attiva Pomilio Blumm is a leading pan-European public communications agency on an international scale. With decades of experience serving more than 200 institutional partners around the world, Pomilio Blumm operates through a multidisciplinary approach that draws on neuroscience, semiotics and data science. Leading


Blocco 19   Mobike is the bike-sharing service that since 2018 accompanies the people of Bologna during their days, allowing users to move independently and quickly from one point to another in the city, and from one appointment to another. All, of course, with an eye towards

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